WDG Content Management System - News & Updates
Welcome to our new place to keep our Content Management System customers updated about the latest changes and additions. This page will be updated regularly. Each time you log into the Site Administration Tools for your site, the system will check to see if any updates are available for you. If the "What's New" link at the top turns red, that means this page has been updated since the last time you visited it. It's that simple to stay updated! As always, we welcome your comments, questions, and suggestions.
October, 2013
Updated Administration Tools
We are pleased to introduce our improved site administration user interface! While it still looks similar to the old one, and should be familiar to any current users, there is a major difference in how it works. Each administration area you select (for example editing site pages, or news items, or system users), now loads in a "persistent" tabbed interface, meaning that if you switch to a different area (tab), your currently open tabs remain loaded. For example, you can be working on editing some page content, then switch to updating a news item, go add a new site user, and then return to the page editor, all without losing your place in any of the admin areas you used. It now acts as one might expect a desktop application to work, without reloading pages all the time. Besides the obvious convenience this affords, it also improves the response time of using the administration tools interface.
We hope you enjoy this update, part of the benefit of using our shared content management system which is constantly being improved. Your feedback on any of our recent interface changes is warmly welcomed!
September, 2013

New Site Content UI

New Site Content Administration Interface
We have made a significant upgrade to how you can edit all your site pages! The new interface features an expandable list of all your pages, organized just like your site structure. You can insert new pages in the desired position right from this list. The page editor itself now features multiple tabs for each page being edited, so you can work on multiple pages at once, switching between them as needed.
We have also added a convenient feature allowing you to copy an existing page when creating a new one, instead of starting with a blank page each time. Also improved is the method of selecting the related site page, and targets for redirected links. All this is wrapped in an fresh and more user-friendly design.

New folders feature

Gallery Item Folders
Gallery media items can now be organized into folders, for easier sorting and navigation. These work like your typical folders on a computer drive/disk. The folder location of each media item has no bearing on which gallery pages it can be used on, and is used purely for your convenience.

New category feature

News Item Categories and "Blog View"
All your news items can now be assigned to one or more categories which you create. These can be used for various purposes, for example as "tags" found in a typical blogging platform, or to organize how/where news items are displayed. They can also be used simply to help manage the number of news items on your site to simplify organization (similar to folders, for example).
Additionally, a new view is available for news items, which displays one or more full news item per page, with links to view older (or newer) news items. So for example your site's front page could be set up to show the 2 latest news articles, with links to previous entries (if any). This essentially works like a typical blogging site, allowing one or more of your site's pages to display news postings, navigable by date and/or category.
For an example, check out the recently-launched www.IthacaCitySchools.org (the main front page and also the front page of each individual school features this new view of news items -- the category of the news item determines which schools' front page a particular news item will appear on).
Utilizing these new features might require some updates to your site's display template, depending on how you would like to use them. Please contact us for details!
August, 2013
Integrated Shopping/Order Processing Module Now Available
While our robust and full-featured product management and shopping cart platform has been in use for many years, we have now integrated some of those features right into our content management system. Any managed site can now be quickly set up for ordering both physical and digital goods, using a variety of payment methods, such as credit cards or PayPal Express, which are processed at the time of checkout. The system is based on our years of experience with payment processing and online shopping, and on our proven platform which has successfully processed hundreds of thousands of orders. Features include a full administration interface for order processing which also allows entering new orders on behalf of your clients (for example taking orders over the phone), modifying and exporting existing orders, and much more. Please contact us if you are interested, and remember that customized solutions are our specialty!