Hosting Services
WDG offers an array of Web and email hosting services. Our own dedicated servers are securely located in a tier 4 (fully redundant infrastructure) data center. Servers are clustered for fault tolerance and redundancy and are remotely monitored for further reliability. Multiple Internet backbone connections provide maximum availability. Please contact us for a hosting quote.

WDG Web Mail

Email services include:
- Full-featured Webmail with a desktop-style interface.
- Spam and virus filtering with multiple setup options.
- Secure IMAP, POP3, and SMTP.
- Groupware with shared calendar, contacts, and email folders, including synchronization options.
- Smartphone support
Some other hosting services we offer:
- Mailing list hosting for both announcement and discussion lists.
- Web-based forums with optional mailing list integration.
- Custom application hosting on our current servers or dedicated machines.