Who We Are

World Design Group (WDG) is a Web site design and development firm located in Ithaca, NY. We specialize in smart content managed Web sites, and proven Web application development services.

What We Do

Web Design

Effective Web design is a careful blending of artistry, usability, and functionality. Each of these ingredients play a key role in creating Web designs which achieve client goals. We have worked with clients for over 15 years to craft smarter Web sites. Contact us to get serious about your Web presence.

Web Applications

WDG builds Web applications and provides custom database programming for a diverse group of clients. Web applications can provide workflow management and even power an entire organization. Our range of expertise includes security, integration with legacy systems, and smart system architecture. Learn more.


We advise clients on Web strategy, implementation and best practices.

Business-Class Hosting

Through our own network of servers, located in a professional, top-tier data center, WDG provides a full range of Internet hosting services, including support for custom applications. We focus on providing reliable Email, Web, Database, and file sharing services. Learn more.